Creative Futures

During the week between the 9th to 12th of May there were organized some talks by professionals of art industry. They explained many options that we can take once we finish our careers.

The talks:

The talks are not very different between they. Some people talks about their art, the ways that they use to create it and some people talks about English laws and legal terms that you have to know if you want to create your own enterprise.

The most interesting part it was the fact that these persons were in my situation a few years ago and now they are working in a professional world. They teached me how to get ready to impress the enterprise and people in general, how to use my skills to sell my work and promocionate me. 

I took some notes and ideas that could be very useful for me in the future like:

Being innovative

Being Passionate

Look for inspiration

Find different ways to do everything.

In a conclusion, these talks made me see that time is gold. You have to start to do something with your future because anyone will do it for you. When I came Back to Barcelona I will start to write my CV and I will try to posicionate my work